I cannot sign into AAA.com.


Troubleshooting Tips
  • Your user ID is the email address that you used to register on AAA.com.
  • Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE.
  • Be sure to manually type your email address and password; do not use any auto-fill functionality. If you are still having trouble, you can try to create a new online account by visiting AAA.com/login.
What if I can't remember the password I used to create my AAA.com account?
Click here to reset your password. If you don’t see a password reset email in your inbox, be sure to check your spam folder.

What if I can't remember which email I used when I created my AAA.com account?
Click here to send us a request, or have it reset over the phone by calling 888-929-2911.

For first time users, click the Sign In link and then go to Create an Account.

User tip: If you're having trouble accessing the AAA club for your state or region, direct your browser to AAA.com/stop. Enter your home zip code when prompted to be routed to the correct website to log in or create an account.

If you continue to have issues signing into our website, contact us online or call 888-929-2911 to request further troubleshooting.