Explore My Membership

Manage Your Membership
There's more to AAA than you think.
Find the variety of benefits and services that can help you make the most of your AAA Membership. Learn how to create and manage your online account, add family members, access AAA discount partners, and locate your AAA office for convenient DMV services.
Featured AAA Member Benefits
Auto Services
Travel Benefits
Your AAA Magazine

Get travel inspiration and advice from AAA. Explore current and past issues of Via magazine.
AAA Mobile App

Access your Membership card anytime, from anywhere. Request roadside assistance without calling and track your service vehicle. Check gas prices near you, take advantage of AAA discounts, and more.
Frequent questions about AAA Member Services
How do I add additional people to my AAA Membership?
How can I request a replacement AAA Member card?
How do I change my AAA Membership plan online?
How do I log out of my AAA account?
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