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Security Sensors & Alarms

Explore our range of state-of-the-art devices that combine cutting-edge technology with seamless integration into your smart home ecosystem.

Indoor Siren AlarmScare off intruders with this 105 decibel siren. Alerts are sent directly to your phone.
Indoor Siren Alarm
Garage Door SensorKeep an eye on your garage door with real-time alerts that notify you when your garage door is opened or closed.
Garage Door Sensor
Entry SensorsProtect every window and door in your home, and receive alerts when one opens or closes.
Entry Sensors
Outdoor Siren Alarm with StrobeExtend the audible range of your home security alarm with the Outdoor Siren.
Outdoor Siren Alarm with Strobe
Glass Break SensorIf a burglar smashes your window, it "hears" and responds to the unique frequency of breaking glass.
Glass Break Sensor
Motion SensorMonitor entire rooms, entryways and hallways for motion. Enjoy pet-immune detection.
Motion Sensor

Get started protecting your home today!

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