AAA Membership
Plans start at $64.99 per year. Buy a Membership and add household Members for FREE with automatic renewal. Offer ends 12/15.1
Roadside Assistance
Enjoy America’s most recommended roadside service—24/7, in anyone’s car—whether you’re the driver or a passenger.
AAA Mobile App
Download the AAA Mobile app to view your Membership card anytime from anywhere.
Travel & Discounts
From recommendations on destinations and activities to AAA maps, TripTiks, and Tour Book guides, our trusted travel resources are here for you.
AAA Members 55+ can SAVE at least $600 a year on wireless service by switching 2 lines to T-Mobile’s Essentials Choice 55 plan.
Credit & Identity
Identity Theft Protection
Activate credit monitoring, lost wallet assistance, and fraud resolution support—included with AAA Membership at no additional cost.
Earn 5% cash back on grocery store purchases
with your AAA Daily Advantage Signature® Credit Card3, plus no annual fee!4
AAA Smart Home Security
Come Home to AAA Smart Home Security
Take action to prevent burglary, fire, flooding from burst pipes and more with premium home security and AAA professional monitoring
Schedule Auto Repair
AAA Members save 10% off labor costs, up to $75 in savings, and receive an exclusive extended warranty on repairs at AAA Owned and Approved Auto Repair Centers.2
Battery Service
AAA Members get free, on the-spot battery testing, delivery, and installation—just about anywhere that spot is. With a 3-year warranty on new AAA batteries.
Read the Latest Via Magazine
Head to these national parks during the off-season to enjoy the trails all to yourself.
From ski towns to tropical beaches, here are the best places to play—and relax—from November to March.
From local hills to speed runs, these spots delight kids and adults alike.