Does AAA offer windshield glass repair services?
Auto Services
AAA will reimburse Premier Members up to $50 per Membership per year for one windshield repair/replacement reimbursement.*
Requesting reimbursements from AAA is easy. Just follow the instructions found at
*This benefit is for AAA Premier Members only. To receive a reimbursement, you must submit the original receipt or proof of payment along with a completed reimbursement form.
Note: AAA Members in Phoenix, Tucson, Scottsdale, and Mesa can use AAA Mobile Auto Glass Service.
Requesting reimbursements from AAA is easy. Just follow the instructions found at
*This benefit is for AAA Premier Members only. To receive a reimbursement, you must submit the original receipt or proof of payment along with a completed reimbursement form.
Note: AAA Members in Phoenix, Tucson, Scottsdale, and Mesa can use AAA Mobile Auto Glass Service.