Can AAA replace a lost license, renew my driver's license, and/or provide a Real ID?
Auto Services
AAA cannot assist with driver’s license or identification services*, including but not limited to driver’s license renewals, replacements, Real IDs, and/or DMV printouts. These transactions must be handled at the DMV.
*Except in Montana: AAA locations in Montana are able to assist with MVD services, including driver's license and ID services.
Visit your state’s ID-issuing agency for specific instructions: For an overview of DMV services offered at AAA, visit
For an overview of MVD services offered at AAA in Arizona, visit us online.
*Except in Montana: AAA locations in Montana are able to assist with MVD services, including driver's license and ID services.
Visit your state’s ID-issuing agency for specific instructions: For an overview of DMV services offered at AAA, visit
For an overview of MVD services offered at AAA in Arizona, visit us online.