Travel Memories Projects With Kids
Help kids relive vacation high points with these fun projects.

Some of kids’ happiest memories come from adventures on family vacations. Memories may be clear right after the trip, but they sure fade fast once kids return home. These fun projects can help children hold onto favorite memories of their travels.
Take your pic.
Even 5-year-olds can use a point-and-shoot. Buy a durable, kid-friendly camera that can stand up to mishaps for less than $50. Look for one that your child can shoot videos with, because kids love filming their own movies.
Pick a fave.
Review the day’s photos while the events are still fresh. Your child can pick three to five favorite images and type a short description for each on your laptop or tablet. Back at home, log on to sites like Shutterfly or Snapfish to make a photo book, a great holiday gift for grandparents.
Show off your finds.
Souvenirs are reminders that can spark kids’ recollections of their trip. Memory-joggers don’t need to be expensive. Kids can put rocks and shells in jars or display postcards on a bulletin board.
Scrap it.
Scrapbooking on the road can be fun. Collect postcards, brochures and tickets as you travel. Bring a notepad, glue stick and markers along in a Ziploc bag. Your child can glue mementos into his journal and draw pictures of the kangaroo at the zoo.
Print photographs and turn them into refrigerator magnets. Glue images onto cardboard, cutting them into fun shapes and attaching magnetic tape. Or display pics in frames kids can decorate with shells, buttons, decals or puzzle pieces.
Track the trip.
Road tripping? Pick up a map at your local AAA branch so your child can trace your route with a marker and highlight destinations with stickers.