Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver, B.C.
A stroll across this bridge will get your adrenaline going.

As the bridge gently sways 230 feet above the Capilano River, you may briefly question your judgment in crossing it. But pause a moment and trust that you've stepped onto the 450-foot-long span for the right reason: a chance to amble among the green canopies of towering cedars, hemlocks, and firs about 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver, B.C. As millions of successful crossers can attest, you will make it to the other side, where you can stroll through the rain forest on a boardwalk. Want to keep that adrenaline pumping? If so, check out the nearby Cliffwalk, a series of sturdy walkways that jut from the sheer granite walls some 300 feet above the river. The regional park next door features the Capilano Pacific Trail, a less dizzying but equally pretty path that winds past tumbling streams and inviting swimming holes. Breathing in the scent of cedar and listening to the burbling water, it's almost hard to imagine that you're so close to a major city. But as you take that first step onto the bridge, just suspend your disbelief.